Hi, I am Kelvin He


a picture of Jane Smith smiling

What I do

Integration + Test

From testing to see if the outlet is working with forks, to hardware and software integration. Functional testing, bench testing, fault insertion testing and Design Verification and Production Verification.

DIY Nerd

I personally love sites Instructables, and Hackaday. Instructables is a community for people who like to make things. Hackaday is the single largest online repository of Open Hardware Projects.

Life Long Learner

I love the pursuit of knowledge. Personal development, and competitiveness keep me motivated everyday. I believe it's crucial to challenge oneself to grow everyday.

My Work

Who I am

Engineer based out of Littleton, Colorado

I currently work as an Electrical Systems Integrator and Test Engineer for Lockheed Martin Space. I primarily perform as a Test Engineer and Certified Test Conductor (CTC) responsible for safe development and execution of test scripts and test procedures.

I develop test plans, automated test scripts, procedures, GUIs, limit files, and other documentation used to conduct Space Vehicle (SV) and Subsystem level testing at the Factory and at the Launch Base. As well as review and analyze telemetry and test data, ensuring generated data accurately verifies SV functionality and meets SV requirements

Clayton and I Coconut

My Work

A selection of my projects outside of work

My Certifications & Degrees

Offical & less than Offical